
AtomicHub is an NFT marketplace that was acquired by Spielworks in late 2023. It allows for all forms of NFT trading, including primary sales and secondary markets, NFT renting, NFT lending and more.

Current state

AtomicHub’s main features include:

  • A user-friendly UI rich with information about the market and its NFTs

  • Support for popular blockchains, including Immutable, Polygon, WAX and more

  • Shared liquidity mechanisms across all networks

  • Multi-stage NFT mints via our Launchpad

  • Full-scale secondary market trading with an open market and private offers

Future AtomicHub features

  • Support for additional blockchain networks, such as Arbitrum, Ronin, etc.

  • A full-service NFT rental market

  • Cross-chain profiles

  • Lending protocols, with NFTs as collateral

  • NFT Insurance against theft

Last updated